Do What You Love, Love What You Do!

Leading students on snorkel trips helps put our curriculum in action

Here at MarineLab, no two days are exactly alike. We follow a schedule, sure, but with every change in weather, season, and school group there comes something new to look forward to. And just like our routine, or lack thereof, our instructors are unique in their teaching style and purpose. We each have a reason to be here, something that keeps us pushing through those longer days and rolling waves. Three of our most senior instructors have sat down this week to reflect what it is they love about working at MarineLab. 

Rachel Carlson, Director Of Operations

Instructor since Fall 2016

Instructor Rachel is a ray of sunshine for the students and staff alike!

The ocean is a surprising, exciting, and inspiring place that makes an impact on so many students who visit MarineLab. I love teaching kids about the ocean because it is more than just making sure they know facts about the animals and habitats. It’s a compelling obligation I feel to help students understand that the ocean is a special place with an immense amount of benefits to our planet and to us. It’s easy to teach a student to love a sea turtle or the coral reef, but the reward that comes with the success of connecting the importance of the ocean to the future of our planet is the most exciting part. It gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that a student, a future voter/decision maker/leader, now understands why we need our ocean and why it needs protection. I feel like once a student understands what our oceans do for us they want to help conserve it. Some of my most inspiring teaching moments have been after teaching a tough subject, like coral reef decline or microplastics, when students spontaneously start a conversation with brilliantly creative ideas on how to fix these complex global issues. I love having the opportunity to educate and leave lasting impressions that will positively impact students’ future decisions towards ocean conservation.

Maria Laukaitis, Creative Manager 

Instructor since Fall 2016

Arrow crabs are a rare and exciting find, but Instructor Maria is the best at finding those hidden critters!

Why do I love working at MarineLab? If I had to sum it up with one word, I would say connection. Connection with our beautiful marine environments that desperately need our help, connection with science and learning every day, and most importantly, the connection I help students make with the ocean.

There is one day from my first year at MarineLab that still sticks with me. I was the instructor on a snorkel trip to the reef with a group of 5th graders who were mostly all thrilled to snorkel and explore. However, there was one young boy who waited until the other students hopped in and then just sat and stared into the water on the edge of the boat. I could see that he was nervous, but after chatting a little bit I was able to convince him to at least hop in and try it out. He was still scared and it took a minute or two to get him to put his face in the water. But then 10 seconds later, we saw a HUGE spotted eagle ray glide directly under us! After it passed, his head flew up out of the water with his mask askew but the biggest smile on his face. It was clear that in those short few seconds he had made a lifelong connection with the ocean. Since then, I’ve had dozens of moments like that and am grateful for every student that I can impact in this way.  

Pat Malloy, Lead Field Instructor 

Instructor since Spring 2017

Getting students excited about lesser known ecosystems like our mangroves is something Instructor Pat excels at!

I was in awe when I had my first experience jumping in the water at a coral reef in the Florida Keys. I remember thinking how amazing it would be to somehow find a job where I get to snorkel every day. Luckily for me, I found MarineLab, and it has been my dream job for the past six years! Now as an instructor here, I get to help students share that same incredible experience when they snorkel for the first time. It never gets old hearing the excitement in their voices as they describe all the cool things they’ve seen in the water. Many of our students have never swam in the ocean before, and some are even terrified of it. So it's our job at MarineLab to help them get comfortable in the water and gain an appreciation for these amazing ocean ecosystems that we have access to. I constantly see how much of an impact just a few short days with us can have on these students. Some even reach out to us years later saying that their trip to MarineLab was the reason they love the ocean and want to pursue a career in Marine Biology. 

MarineLab’s staff is one of a kind. We hope you get to visit us soon and see firsthand our passionate, positive, and encouraging MarineLab family. 

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